我总觉得你心里像有什么事。陆沅说,不能告诉我吗?【苍茫的天涯是我的爱,玛丽苏的脑袋上绿草盛开】Based on a novel by Ugo Pirro, Le soldatesse (The Camp Followers; Des filles pour l’armée) is one of the finest films from Italy about war since Roberto Rossellini’s Paisà (1946) nearly twenty years earlier. (The finest between—from France and Italy: Jean-Luc Godard’s 1963 Les carabinièrs, whose script Rossellini co-authored.) The director is Valerio Zurlini, whose Cronaca familiare (Family Diary, 1962), from Vasco Pratolini’s autobiographical novel, is (as I say in my piece about it) the most moving film about brothers I have seen. Le soldatesse, which is almost as trenchant and is less literary, is a more fully realized film. It is from France, West Germany and Yugoslavia as well as Italy.《オトナの童話シリーズ(成人的童话系列)》是根据《本当は恐ろしい童話(实际是恐怖的童话)》而制作的黑色恐怖动画。此系列分为《世にも恐ろしいグリム童話(令人恐怖的格林童话)》与《世にも恐ろしい日本昔話(令人恐怖的日本昔话)》这两部作品。At first glance, our two stars of Born Winner, Pericles (Joe Dallesandro) and Sandro (Massimo Ranieri) do not appear to be Born Winners at all. Sandro, played by the charmingly handsome Ranieri, is unceremoniously dismissed from his job after a party he is catering for is robbed at gunpoint. Shortly after, he fails in his attempts to find a new job. Fate, or what you will, allows a piece of paper with Sandro's address to fall into Pericles' hands. Pericles is the man who committed the robbery at Sandro's last catering job, causing Sandro's dismissal. Soon, our Pericles, who is the gorgeous Joe Dallesandro incarnate, is living with the newly directionless Sandro; Pericles soon takes Sandro through the fast, thrilling, dangerous, and fleeting, swiftly fleeting, curves of life. As Pericles tries to help Sandro earn a living as a petty thief, Sandro tries to help Pericles learn to love life again. Joe Dallesandro is remarkable as an ex-championship motorcyclist whose career prematurely ended after a nasty accident. The fates of Pericles and Sandro leave an indelible mark upon the viewers; as the other poster commented, the curves are muddled, but they are muddled with good cause.《青年警察》讲述了两位警校搭档目睹了一场绑架事件并卷入其中的故事。今日曝光预告片中,展现了朴徐俊和姜河那饰演的"行动派"基俊和"学霸"熙烈在警察学校相识相交,并一起执行任务的过程。电影根据真人故事改编,讲述史上最伟大女指挥家安东尼娅‧布丽可勇敢追求音乐梦想的故事。安东尼娅‧布丽可(克里斯蒂亚娜 ‧德‧布奥恩 饰)成为了第一个不顾世俗偏见,想要挣脱女性牢笼的人,她不被任何人理解,包括她的父母。求学之路艰辛且孤独,她能否遇到一个懂她的人,能否遇到一个真正的伯乐。是什么让她坚持下来...长期以来,西北地区古文明的存在和衰落一直是考古界的难题,青海省黄河岸边的喇家遗址成为专家们考察的一个例证,而村中存在的大量散乱的人骨,和考古挖出的尸骸又成为一个新的迷团,那么,这些尸骨和喇家古文明的衰落有关系吗?专家们首先得揭开喇家古人死亡之迷。——你说你没事盯着我的聊天窗口做什么?你主动一点,我们就会有故事啊。